Oil Painting Replica Scenes from the Passion of Christ: The Agony in the Garden, the Crucifixion, and the Descent into Limbo [entire triptych], 1380 by Andrea Di Vanni D'andrea (1332-1414, Italy) | WahooArt.com

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"Scenes from the Passion of Christ: The Agony in the Garden, the Crucifixion, and the Descent into Limbo [entire triptych]"

Andrea Di Vanni D'andrea (i) - Tempera On Panel (i) - 57 x 116 cm - 1380
A square panel flanked by two tall, rectangular panels all have gold frames and shimmering gold backgrounds behind groups of people, all of whom have light skin. On the square, central panel, three men hang on wooden crosses above people crowded below. The crucified men wear only white cloths across their hips and their skin has a green cast. A halo encircles the bent head of the man on the middle cross, Jesus, who wears a ring of thorns in his long, red hair. Blood trickles down his forehead and drips from nails driven through his hands and overlapped feet, and from a gash over his right ribs, to our left. Four miniature, winged angels are painted entirely in tones of dark, cobalt blue, and they fly in pairs on either side of his body. A panel at the top of the cross reads “INRI” in gold letters against a red field. The other two crosses are spaced evenly to either side. The men are tied with their elbows hooked unnaturally back over the crossbeams, and wounds on their broken shins pour blood. The man to our left tilts his head up as one small, golden angel touches the back of his head and the other lifts a miniature version of the man from his parted lips. To our right, the man’s eyes roll back and his mouth gapes open as two black, winged creatures like dragons fly overhead. In the bottom left corner, a group of four women cluster around a recumbent woman with long blond hair wearing a blue cloak. In the right corner, a group of three men tug at a blue tunic, as they draw straws from one man’s fist. Other men and women, a few with gold halos, cluster at the foot of the crosses, wearing robes and armor in shades of buttercup yellow, coral and brick red, light and lapis blue, and brown. The left tall, rectangular panel shows a haloed man, Jesus again, kneeling on a flat rock above a stylized garden. Hands crossed over his chest, he looks up in profile facing our left at a small angel with a red gown and wings offering a chalice. Closer to us, Jesus appears for a second time in this panel, greeting a bearded man wearing blue and golden yellow as two others sleep behind them. All four have halos. On a hill beyond the garden, to our left, a group of men holding long spears and tall shields chase a man with a black halo. In the right panel, Jesus strides from under an archway across a wooden door that lies flat along the ground as it pins and crushes a black beast. Jesus wears a bright, gold-patterned cloth draped over one shoulder and around his body. He holds a tall pole with a flag with a red cross on a white field with his left hand. His other clasps hands with an elderly man with gray hair and long white beard. Behind the elder man, a crowd of men and women kneel in front of the opening of a craggy cave. One man holds a scroll with black letters that reads, “ECCE ANGIUS.” Another bearded man floats above holding a scroll that reads, “DESTRUXIT QUIDAM MORTES INFERNI ET SUBVERTIT POTENTIAS DIABOLI.” Gold frames around all three panels, which are attached with hinges, have an inset band of lapis blue with a scrolling, leafy design in gold. Above each scene, architectural arches and tracery is created in low relief in gold against the gold-leaf background. In the lower center of central panel, in the blue band, the work is signed, “ANDREAS UANNIS DE SENIS ME PINXIT.”

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