The Ashcan School Art Movement

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The Ashcan School Art Movement The Ashcan School Art Movement
The Ashcan School Art Movement
The Ashcan School Art Movement The Ashcan School Art Movement The Ashcan School Art Movement
  Introduction: The Ashcan School, also known as the Ash Can School, was an artistic movement in the United States during the late 19th-early 20th century that produced works portraying scenes of daily life in New York, often in the city's poorer neighborhoods.

The Ashcan School Art Movement

Introduction: The Ashcan School, also known as the Ash Can School, was an artistic movement in the United States during the late 19th-early 20th century that produced works portraying scenes of daily life in New York, often in the city's poorer neighborhoods.

Origins and Development: The Ashcan School was not an organized movement, but rather a group of artists who shared a desire to tell certain truths about the city and modern life that they felt had been ignored by the suffocating influence of the Genteel Tradition in the visual arts. Robert Henri, considered the spiritual father of this school, urged his younger friends and students to paint in an unfettered spirit, capturing the essence of neighborhood life in New York City. The name "Ashcan School" is a tongue-in-cheek reference to other "schools of art," inspired by a complaint found in a publication called The Masses alleging that there were too many "pictures of ashcans and girls hitching up their skirts on Horatio Street."

Artists: Some of the artists associated with the Ashcan School include Robert Henri, George Luks, William Glackens, John Sloan, and Everett Shinn. These artists met studying together under the renowned realist Thomas Anshutz at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts or in the newspaper offices of Philadelphia where they worked as illustrators. Theresa Bernstein, a friend of many Ashcan School members, was also part of the movement.

Subject Matter: The Ashcan School is not so much known for innovations in technique but more for its subject matter. Common subjects were prostitutes and street urchins. The work of the Ashcan painters links them to such documentary photographers as Jacob Riis and Lewis W. Hine. Several Ashcan School painters derived from the area of print publication at a time before photography replaced hand-drawn illustrations in newspapers. They were involved in journalistic pictorial reportage before concentrating their energies on painting.

Legacy: The Ashcan School has been seen as emblematic of the spirit of political rebellion of the period and has influenced later movements such as Social Realism and Photorealism. The movement's desire to engage with life, depicting unidealized subjects and events in contemporary settings, has made it an important precursor to modern art.

For more information on the Ashcan School, visit Wikipedia.

To explore paintings by Ashcan School artists, visit

To learn more about the artists associated with the Ashcan School, visit Artists.
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