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The Symbolism Art Movement The Symbolism Art Movement
The Symbolism Art Movement
The Symbolism Art Movement The Symbolism Art Movement The Symbolism Art Movement
  Symbolism was a late 19th-century art movement of French and Belgian origin that sought to represent absolute truths symbolically through language and metaphorical images. It emerged as a reaction against naturalism and realism, which were the dominant art movements of the time. The term "symbolist" was first applied by the critic Jean Moréas in 1886 to distinguish the Symbolists from the related Decadents of literature and art....

The Symbolism Art Movement

Symbolism was a late 19th-century art movement of French and Belgian origin that sought to represent absolute truths symbolically through language and metaphorical images. It emerged as a reaction against naturalism and realism, which were the dominant art movements of the time. The term "symbolist" was first applied by the critic Jean Moréas in 1886 to distinguish the Symbolists from the related Decadents of literature and art.

Precursors and Origins

Symbolism was largely a reaction against naturalism and realism, anti-idealistic styles that represented reality in its gritty particularity and elevated the humble and the ordinary over the ideal. Symbolism was a reaction in favor of spirituality, imagination, and dreams. Some writers, such as Joris-Karl Huysmans, began as naturalists before becoming symbolists; for Huysmans, this change represented his increasing interest in religion and spirituality. Certain of the characteristic subjects of the Decadents represent naturalist interest in sexuality and taboo topics, but in their case this was mixed with Byronic romanticism and the world-weariness characteristic of the fin de siècle period.

The Symbolist poets have a more complex relationship with Parnassianism, a French literary style that immediately preceded it. While being influenced by hermeticism, allowing freer versification, and rejecting Parnassian clarity and objectivity, it retained Parnassianism's love of word play and concern for the musical qualities of verse. The Symbolists continued to admire Théophile Gautier's motto of "art for art's sake" and retained – and modified – Parnassianism's mood of ironic detachment. Many Symbolist poets, including Stéphane Mallarmé and Paul Verlaine, published early works in Le Parnasse contemporain, the poetry anthologies that gave Parnassianism its name.

The Symbolist Manifesto

Jean Moréas published the Symbolist Manifesto ("Le Symbolisme") in Le Figaro on 18 September 1886. The Symbolist Manifesto named Charles Baudelaire, Stéphane Mallarmé, and Paul Verlaine as the three leading poets of the movement. Moréas announced that symbolism was hostile to "plain meanings, declamations, false sentimentality and matter-of-fact description" and that its goal instead was to "clothe the Ideal in a perceptible form" whose "goal was not to represent or imitate but to evoke."

Symbolism in Painting

Symbolism in painting is characterized by a focus on spirituality, imagination, and dreams. Symbolist painters often used mythological and literary subjects to illustrate their ideas. Some of the most notable Symbolist painters include Gustave Moreau, Odilon Redon, Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, and Edvard Munch.

Painting by 'Odilon Redon' : Ceaselessly by my side the demon stirs
(( 26 x 21 cm , Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago, United States) , Symbolism , Lithography , ))

Painting by 'Edvard Munch' : The Girl by the Window
(( Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago, United States) , Symbolism , Oil On Canvas , ))

Museums and Collections

Musée Maurice Denis in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France, is a must-visit museum for art enthusiasts interested in the Symbolist movement. The museum showcases an impressive collection of French post-impressionism paintings from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, including works by Pierre Bonnard, Édouard Vuillard, and Félix Vallotton.

Discover the Wonders of Musée Maurice Denis (France) with WahooArt

Musée d'Orsay in Paris, France, is another museum that has a significant collection of Symbolist paintings. The museum houses works by Gustave Moreau, Odilon Redon, Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, and Edvard Munch, among others.


Symbolism had a profound influence on the development of modern art, particularly on Surrealism. The Symbolist emphasis on spirituality, imagination, and dreams was a significant departure from the naturalistic and realistic styles that dominated the 19th century. Symbolism paved the way for the exploration of the unconscious mind and the irrational in art, which became central themes in Surrealism.

In conclusion, Symbolism was a late 19th-century art movement that sought to represent absolute truths symbolically through language and metaphorical images. It emerged as a reaction against naturalism and realism and had a profound influence on the development of modern art, particularly on Surrealism. The Symbolist emphasis on spirituality, imagination, and dreams was a significant departure from the naturalistic and realistic styles that dominated the 19th century.
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