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The Art Media Aquatint The Art Media Aquatint
The Art Media Aquatint
The Art Media Aquatint The Art Media Aquatint The Art Media Aquatint
  Aquatint is an intaglio printmaking technique that produces areas of tone rather than lines, and has been used by artists since the later 18th century. It is a variant of etching, and can be used in conjunction with etching to give both lines and shaded tone. Aquatint has also been used historically to print in color, either by printing with multiple plates in different colors, or by making monochrome prints that were then hand-colored with watercolor....

The Art Media Aquatint

Aquatint is an intaglio printmaking technique that produces areas of tone rather than lines, and has been used by artists since the later 18th century. It is a variant of etching, and can be used in conjunction with etching to give both lines and shaded tone. Aquatint has also been used historically to print in color, either by printing with multiple plates in different colors, or by making monochrome prints that were then hand-colored with watercolor.

The Technique

In intaglio printmaking techniques such as engraving and etching, the artist makes marks into the surface of the plate (in the case of aquatint, a copper or zinc plate) that are capable of holding ink. The plate is inked all over then wiped clean to leave ink only in the marks. The plate is passed through a printing press together with a sheet of paper, and strong pressure applied pushing the paper into the marks, so that a transfer of the ink to the paper occurs. This is repeated many times.
Like etching, aquatint uses the application of a mordant (acid) to etch into the metal plate. Where etching uses a needle to scratch through an acid-proof resist and make lines, aquatint uses powdered rosin (resin) to create a tonal effect. The rosin is acid resistant and typically adhered to the plate by controlled heating; where the grains are will print white, with black areas around. The tonal variation is controlled by the level of mordant exposure over large areas, and thus the image is shaped by large sections at a time. The rosin is then washed off the plate before printing.
Another tonal technique, mezzotint, begins with a plate surface that is evenly indented and roughened so that it will print as an even and fairly dark tone of ink. The mezzotint plate is then smoothed and polished to make areas carry less ink and thus print a lighter shade. Alternatively, beginning with a smooth plate, areas are roughened to make them darker. Occasionally the two techniques of aquatint and mezzotint are combined.


Aquatint has been in regular use since the later 18th century, and was most widely used between about 1770 and 1830, when it was used both for artistic prints and decorative ones. After about 1830 it lost ground to lithography and other techniques. There have been periodic revivals among artists since then.
Among the most famous prints using the aquatint technique are the major series by Goya, many of The Birds of America by John James Audubon (with the colour added by hand), and prints by Mary Cassatt printed in colour using several plates.

Examples of Aquatint Artworks

  • CITE>Painting by 'Roger Bissière' : Untitled

    • Tate Modern (London, United Kingdom)

      • Art Informel

        • Aquatint

    • CITE>Painting by 'Paul Klee' : Rock Chamber

      • Alte Nationalgalerie (Berlin, Germany)

        • Abstract Art

          • Aquatint

      • CITE>Painting by 'Sam Francis' : Untitled 093

        • Abstract Expressionism

          • Aquatint

      • CITE>Painting by 'Sam Francis' : Untitled

        • Abstract Expressionism

          • Aquatint

      • CITE>Painting by 'Marcel Duchamp' : After love

        • Expressionism

          • Aquatint

      Artists and Aquatint

      Robert Dodd (1748–1815) was a British marine painter and aquatint engraver. He is known for his works on the French Revolutionary Wars. William Tomkins (1759–1840) was an English engraver and draughtsman who used aquatint in his work.

      Further Reading

      For more information about aquatint, please see the following resources:
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