Art Reproductions Basket with Oranges, 1913 by Henri Matisse (Inspired By) (1869-1954, France) |

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"Basket with Oranges"

Henri Matisse (i) - 94 x 83 cm - 1913 - (Musée du Louvre (Paris, France)) (i) - Fauvism (i)


Henri Matisse's "Basket with Oranges" is a masterpiece of Post-Impressionism, created in 1913. The painting showcases Matisse's innovative use of color and form, which helped define the revolutionary developments in visual arts during the early twentieth century. This article explores the history, style, and significance of "Basket with Oranges" by Henri Matisse.


Henri Émile Benoît Matisse was born on December 31, 1869, in Le Cateau-Cambrésis, France (Wikipedia). He is known for his use of color and fluid draughtsmanship in painting, printmaking, sculpture, drawing, and collage. Matisse was a leading figure in modern art, alongside Pablo Picasso, and played a significant role in the development of Fauvism, Modernism, and Post-Impressionism (The Metropolitan Museum of Art). Basket with Oranges is part of the collection at Musée du Louvre in Paris, France. The painting features a still life of oranges arranged on a table, with a blue curtain and patio visible in the background. Matisse frequently arranged scenes himself for his work, not wishing to embrace the elements as impressionists such as Monet or Bazille did (The History of Art).


"Basket with Oranges" is an example of Post-Impressionism, a style that emerged in the late nineteenth century as a reaction against Impressionism. The movement emphasized emotional content, symbolic subject matter, and structural innovation (Wikipedia). Matisse's use of vibrant colors and flattened forms in "Basket with Oranges" reflects his exploration of these principles. The painting features bold, expressive brushstrokes and a simplified composition that emphasizes the oranges as the primary subject. The bright red table and cloth, along with the flowery patterns on the cloth, contrast with the plain blue curtain and patio in the background. Matisse's mastery of color and form is evident in the balance and harmony he achieves within the painting (WikiArt).


"Basket with Oranges" showcases Matisse's innovative use of color and form, which helped define the revolutionary developments in visual arts during the early twentieth century. The painting is a testament to Matisse's belief in the restorative, healing properties of art (The History of Art). Matisse's work has had a lasting impact on modern art, inspiring generations of artists and collectors alike. Today, "Basket with Oranges" remains an iconic example of Matisse's mastery of color and form, and a beloved piece in the collection at Musée du Louvre (Wikipedia).


Henri Matisse's "Basket with Oranges" is a masterpiece of Post-Impressionism that showcases Matisse's innovative use of color and form. The painting remains an iconic example of Matisse's mastery of color and form, and a beloved piece in the collection at Musée du Louvre. To learn more about Henri Matisse and his work, visit Henri Matisse on


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