Artwork Replica St. Joseph, the Carpenter, 1640 by Georges De La Tour (1593-1652, France) |

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"St. Joseph, the Carpenter"

Georges De La Tour (i) - Oil On Canvas (i) - 80 x 120 cm - 1640 - Tenebrism (i)
Saint Joseph, the Carpenter is one of the many beautiful artworks created by Georges De La Tour. Georges De La Tour especially worked with religious themes and often used the strong contrast between light and dark in his painting. He was an artist who kept his work simple and Saint Joseph, the Carpenter highlights his simplicity the best. The painting at hand, is a painting of a father-son duo where the son appears to be helping his father with work. What makes this painting more intriguing is that the little boy is supposed to be none other than Jesus Christ and his earthly father, Joseph. Many speculate that the wood that Joseph was working on looked like a cross, which is likely a foreshadowing of what the future holds for the little boy. When looking at the painting and analyzing it in a biblical sense, the candle that glows so brightly can symbolize what young Jesus would be to the rest of the world. A beacon of hope and a light that illuminates and overpowers the darkness.


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