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Museum Art Reproductions On White II, 1923 by Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944, Russia) |

On White II

From just 49 USD From just 149 USD

About the Artist

Wassily Kandinsky, a Russian painter, was born in Moscow on December 4, 1866. He is regarded as one of the pioneers of abstract art and is known for his colorful and expressive paintings. In 1901, he began studying painting at the age of 35, and by 1911, he had already developed his unique style of abstract art.

Title, Size, Media, Style, Date

The title of this painting is "On White II". It was created in 1923 and measures 105 x 98 cm. The media used for this artwork is oil on canvas, and it belongs to the abstract art style.

Description of the Image

In "On White II", Kandinsky uses a white background as the foundation for his composition. He then adds various shapes and lines in different colors, creating a dynamic and expressive painting. The use of color and form in this artwork is not random but carefully planned to evoke specific emotions and reactions from the viewer. Kandinsky's abstract art is often associated with music, as he believed that colors and forms could be used to create visual harmonies and dissonances, similar to musical notes. In "On White II", we can see how Kandinsky uses different shapes and colors to create a visual symphony that invites the viewer to explore and interpret it in their own way.

Where to Find Similar Paintings

If you are interested in Wassily Kandinsky's art, you can find similar paintings on our website, such as "Composition IV", created in 1911, and "Black and Violet", created in 1923. Both of these paintings showcase Kandinsky's unique style and use of color and form to create expressive and dynamic compositions.

Museum Collection

Since 1976, "On White II" has been in the collection of the Musée National d'Art Moderne, where you can see it along with other masterpieces of modern art.


Wassily Kandinsky's "On White II" is a beautiful example of abstract art that invites the viewer to explore and interpret its visual symphony. If you are interested in learning more about Kandinsky's art or finding similar paintings, visit our website at
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Wassily Kandinsky

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