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Art Reproductions First Steps (after Millet), 1890 by Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890, Netherlands) |

First Steps (after Millet)

From just 49 USD From just 149 USD

Size and Media

First Steps, painted in 1890, is an oil on canvas painting with dimensions of 72.4 x 92.1 cm.


This masterpiece by Vincent Van Gogh is a perfect example of Post-Impressionism, which was a reaction against Impressionism and focused on the emotional and symbolic aspects of art.


Van Gogh painted this piece in January 1890 during his stay at Saint-Rémy asylum.


Today, First Steps is part of the permanent collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.


In this painting, Van Gogh pays homage to Jean-François Millet's original work, First Steps, by creating his own interpretation. The scene depicts a mother helping her child take its first steps while the father looks on with pride. Van Gogh uses bold brushstrokes and vibrant colors to bring life to this heartwarming moment.

Interesting Fact

Did you know that First Steps was one of twenty-one copies after Millet that Van Gogh painted while at the asylum? He considered these works to be 'improvisations' or 'translations', similar to a musician interpreting a composer's work.

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At, we offer high-quality reproductions of famous artworks, including First Steps. Our prints are made using the Giclée printing process and are available in various sizes to fit your space perfectly. Add this masterpiece to your collection today by visiting our website!

More Paintings by Vincent Van Gogh

If you love First Steps, be sure to check out our other reproductions of Vincent Van Gogh's paintings, such as Starry Night and The Young Ladies of Avignon.
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